Want a recognized, successful business without sitting at your desk all day?


Find out how.👇🏼

If you want to attract clients who desire your innate genius, you need a differentiated business strategy informed by your natural strengths.

To the hard-working humans doing incredible work with your clients:

I know you want to…

  • Feel confident in the direction of your brand and the steps you’ll take to achieve your long-term vision

  • Close your laptop each day with peace of mind because you know that your efforts will lead to consistent results

  • Spend less time creating content because you have a streamlined, energy-efficient strategy that consistently attracts clients

  • Have a profitable offer suite based that’s based around your top skills and most natural strengths

  • Have spacious client relationships with people who are as self-led, ambitious, and resourceful as you

  • Feel supported and resourced by your business, rather than drained because you’re treating your biz as an extension of you

For this vision to become reality, you need a strategic plan in place to grow your business without just doing more.

Here’s the thing…

While you love your 1:1 clients and know you have what it takes to become successful, your ‘dream business’ is starting to feel like more work than a 9-5.

You’re consistently showing up, creating content, and selling your offers, but you haven’t found a repeatable system that brings results without draining your energy.

And that results in frustration and overwhelm, because your mind is constantly running with ideas about what direction to go in or what strategy to try next.

You shouldn’t have to spend years piecing together a working business strategy from generic courses + group programs that don’t highlight what makes you uniquely marketable. 

The good news is, you don’t have to. There is a way of doing business that generates consistent results without needing to sacrifice your freedom and well-being. A method to create a successful brand that feels good to run because it’s created with your unique energetics in mind.

Let me introduce you to…

Business by Design

An 8-week private mentorship for coaches and service providers to create their differentiated, Human Design-informed brand strategy, offer suite, and content system.

This is where you'll learn how to step into authentic leadership and work in alignment with your strengths, because you don’t need to turn your business into a 9-5 to be successful.

And the sooner you start, the sooner you can start seeing more consistent results.

This is the program I knew I had to create…

While I loved my work at the start of my business, I struggled to increase my income because I didn’t have a brand strategy that differentiated me from the next coach.

I was constantly revising my offers and sales copy because I wasn’t sure how to communicate my gifts and expertise in a way that resonated with my ideal clients.

This is when I realized that to build the brand of my dreams, I needed to put my CEO hat on and start treating my business like a business. I began incorporating key insights from my 8-year career in consumer marketing and 4 years of Human Design study into my business, and 3 months later:

My calendar was fully booked, client referrals had increased by 30%, and my TikTok following had jumped a whopping 200%.

I had also increased my session pricing by 50%, so I was generating more sustainable income and attracting the most aligned clients to my business.

Over the last 2 years, I’ve tested + refined my approach to develop a step-by-step process that helps entrepreneurs create differentiated brand strategies, strengths-aligned offer suites, and energy-efficient content systems that consistently attract clients.



This is the 3-step process we’ll use to build your brand in alignment with your greatest strengths, authentic leadership style, and unique profit potential:


Brand Strategy

First, we’ll develop your personalized brand foundations by pinpointing your unique strengths, leadership style, and profit potential so you know exactly what differentiates your brand and attracts people to work with you.

You’ll move through the Brand Foundations Workbook to create your North Star movement that differentiates your brand, pinpoint the ideal clients for your business, and develop your long-term revenue plan.


Offer Suite

Next, we’ll develop and refine your offer suite and long-term revenue plan so you’re working in alignment with your natural strengths, attracting the people you’re here to lead, and putting your energy toward the right projects.

At this stage, you’ll set up your Sales Tracker and complete the Magnetic Offer Workbook so you can launch your strengths-led offer suite and start making your revenue plan a reality.


Energy-Efficient Content System

Then, we’ll implement a scalable, energy-efficient system for content creation so you can wake up to new subscribers and sales alerts without having to be constantly online.

You’ll move through the Easeful Content and Seasonal Planning Workbooks and create a simplified, energy-efficient plan to consistently attract new clients throughout the year without doing more.

This is your supported, ‘done-with-you’ path to a differentiated, highly visible business that highlights your unique gifts and consistently attracts your dream clients.

Here’s a look at what you’ll receive in our 8 weeks together:


In our live, biweekly sessions, we’ll review your business, discuss what’s been coming up for you, and create an action plan for the following weeks.

In this value-packed meetings, I’ll analyze your Human Design chart and help you clarify your unique brand presence, authority, strengths, and profitability, and clear any not-self beliefs that are blocking your success.


I'll be 'in your pocket' to support you and provide strategic guidance via Voxer or WhatsApp Tue - Fri.

This will help you collapse time and achieve results faster by answering your real-time questions about how to structure an offer, nail your messaging, or handle a client situation.


You’ll have 12-month access to a Podia library of video guides and Canva templates for brand foundations, offer creation, content strategy, sales tracking, and intuitive goal setting (plus a list of recommended tools + systems).

This will help you take action in your business outside of our sessions, and I’ll be available via Voxer/WhatsApp to answer any questions that come up.


When you join Business by Design, you’ll also get access to Sacral Magnetism, my foundational Human Design course for Generators and Manifesting Generators.

This will give you a comprehensive understanding of your design so we can dive right into the deeper layers of strengths, sales, and profitability.

The Investment


$1,777 USD

Most bang for your buck.


$920 USD

More flexible.


$629 USD

Most flexible.

Is this program for you?

BBD is for you if:

1. You’re a coach, service provider, or online business owner ready to implement a refined business strategy and 6 figure revenue plan.

2. You want a business that provides time freedom, and you’re willing to put in some focused work now so your content + funnels do the heavy lifting for you later.

3. You want an offer suite that provides solutions your ideal clients truly care about, and you’re willing to test + refine your offers so they consistently sell.

4. You’re ready to exit mental overwhelm and finally feel confident + grounded in sustainable, energetics-informed brand, offer, and content strategies.

BBD may not be for you if:

1. You haven’t started your business or don’t know what services to provide. This program assumes you’re ready to hit the ground running, so my Breakthrough Reading is a better starting place to identify your gifts and profit potential.

2. You want support but not strategic guidance. As a Desire Motivation + Channel of Transformation Generator, I operate best when I’m invited to look at your business and share exactly what steps are needed to achieve success. If that’s not for you, I understand! 

3. You have zero time on your plate to revise your business strategy. While this container is a supportive, ‘done-with-you' model, it requires effort to get results (aside from planned time off or vacations).

Apply now to join Business by Design.

So you can say goodbye to hours spent wondering what will move the needle in your business, and hello to a strategic, strengths-led process to build your ‘fuck yes’ brand vision.

Submit your application below. Keolani will email you to set up a connection call so she can learn more about your business, talk scheduling, and help determine if BBD is the right fit for you.

Client Testimonials

  • "After listening to the recording four times over the last month, I can definitely say that everything you said DEEPLY resonates with me. Every single time I listen, the message feels so refreshing and clarifying. The way you deliver your message is so powerful! I connected with all the guidance you gave me, especially around relationships, manifestation, and waiting to respond."

    Illumination Reading
    6/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator

  • "That was absolutely brilliant. Thank you for taking the time to give insight and guidance. Human Design is fascinating and you bring so much clarity to it. I found the reading encouraging, inspiring, and so thoughtful."

    Illumination Reading
    6/2 Sacral Generator

  • "Since working together I've experienced a transformative freedom around selling and making money. Prior to our call I felt stuck because I wanted to sell (and needed to because I own a business) but felt weird about typical marketing tactics. I now feel so confident in the way that I'm selling as well as the energetic exchange - I actually feel excited about selling my services now!"

    Deep Dive 1:1 Reading
    4/6 Emotional Manifesting Generator

  • "I've listened to this twice already and will need some time to process everything! I feel so much more grounded and excited about the future, like all the things I was worried about changing are exactly where I'm supposed to be. I have so much clarity about creating content now and how to do it according to my design."

    Illumination Reading
    4/6 Emotional Generator


Hi! I’m Keolani, a Business Mentor + 6/2 Generator based in Los Angeles.

I’m the creator of Business by Design, a Human Design-led approach to online business that helps service providers build successful, differentiated brands aligned to their unique strengths and leadership style.

If you desire impactful, personalized guidance on how to create a profitable business without turning it into a 9-5, you’re in the right place.

I won’t show you how to do it like me, I’ll help you identify how to do it like you, because differentiation is the new key to success.


  • You’ll receive an email from me or my amazing assistant, Abby, to set up a 20-minute connection call. The purpose of this call is to get to know each other, create your North Star goal for the mentorship, and determine if working together is a good mutual fit. If we decide to move forward, we’ll schedule a starting time and you’ll receive access to the Podia workspace and Sacral Magnetism.

  • Nope! I’ll guide you through key aspects of your design through the lens of business + profitability. However, having a basic understanding of your Type, Strategy, and Authority will enable us to ‘get to the good stuff’ more quickly. If you’re new to Human Design, my Sacral Magnetism course is a gamechanger for Generators + Mani Gens in business (P.S. you’ll automaticall receive this course when you enroll in BBD).

  • Done-with-you means that while I’m not writing your copy or designing sales pages for you, I will be providing direct support and strategic guidance as you build, refine, and launch your brand strategy, offer suite, and marketing content. This level of support is rare in the coaching world, and it‘s just one of the things that sets Business by Design apart.

  • I’ll be available Tue - Fri via WhatsApp or Voxer to answer questions, provide feedback on your work, and offer insights on your design. When you feel stuck or uninspired, this is the exact time to reach out to get the clarity you need. The most frequent feedback I hear from clients is: “Omg, that makes so much sense! I know exactly what to do now.”

  • Before we begin working together, we’ll have an introductory call to discuss your goals, your current stage in business, the support you’d like to receive in this mentorship, and ideal timing for our strategy calls. Meeting every 2 weeks works best for most clients, but I offer flexible timing as needed (for example: postponing calls for a few weeks over the holidays).

  • Absolutely! You’ll be able to upload any files or links in a private Google folder, and I’ll provide feedback and recommendations for you to implement.

  • Totally understandable - there are a lot of business programs and coaches out there! We’ll set up a 20-minute connection call after you apply so I can get a deeper understanding of your situation. Finding the right fit is crucial for a successful creative partnership, so don’t hold back from reaching out and asking questions! <3

If you desire…

A differentiated brand that makes you the recognized, go-to person in your industry.

An offer suite that’s built around your natural strengths + greatest profit potential.

An energy-efficient content plan with streamlined lead magnets + funnels that consistently convert.

A ‘fuck yeah’ brand vision + revenue plan with straightfoward, actionable steps to bring it to life.

A coach who will guide you through the mental overwhelm and energy traps that arise in your entrepreneurial journey.

…this is the unique, energetics-led business program you’ve been waiting for.

